| 1. | Contrast on the history chants by du mu and li shangyin 杜牧与李商隐的咏史诗比较 |
| 2. | On allusions in li shangyin ' s and huang tingjian ' s poems 李商隐和黄庭坚用典论 |
| 3. | A study on the artistic skill in li shangyin ' s elegiac address 李商隐祭文的艺术技巧 |
| 4. | Comparison of li shangyin ' s anf qu yuan ' s tragedies 李商隐与屈原悲剧比较论 |
| 5. | Li shangyin ' s three poems about bi city 郑州商城和偃师商城的碳十四年代分析 |
| 6. | Remarks on wang meng ' s quot; li shangyin studies quot 论王蒙的李商隐研究 |
| 7. | On li shangyin ' s role in style evolution of poem and ci 试论李商隐在诗词文体嬗变中的作用 |
| 8. | Discuss li shangyin ' s poem in - depth reserved 浅论李商隐诗的深层蕴藉性 |
| 9. | Exploration into the construotion ways of li shangyin ' s qilv 李商隐七律用典的结构方式探析 |